Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It's How You're SUPPOSED To Be!

Okay, here's some more movie fun for ya'. But this time no review.

Bertrand and I settled into bed for yet another night of movie-watching until midnight when we both have to rise between 6:00 and 7:00 the next morning. I know, I know - totally irresponsible. I didn't say we were smart. We just like movies, okay?

So, this time we watched a semi-foreign indie film (we love those). It's about an American girl and she has no luck with dating. Her friends are all engaged or married or in serious relationships and she can't seem to find anyone and she's totally beautiful and intelligent - just has bad luck.

She's finally HAD it with dating. She tells her friend she's done (that's when you always find someone - the second you're done, right?), but she has this coworker guy who keeps bugging her to come to his party, so she finally gives in and gets dressed up and goes to his party...and it's totally lame, so she tries to leave, but suddenly this French guy shows up and he's all charming and romantic and forward, but in a good way. So, he's trying to get her to stay and she can't resist. I mean, who CAN resist a Frenchman? Look at me! I certainly couldn't.

ANYWAY, this guy is very forward about wanting to kiss her and telling her how he feels and he's just so romantic it'll just melt you right through the screen.

I heard Bertrand chuckling softly to himself, so I sighed and turned to him with a raised eyebrow and said, "What?!"

B: That's so ridiculous.

K: Why is that ridiculous?

B: That's not how we really are in France.

K: Really?

B: Yeah.

K: I don't believe you. I think that's EXACTLY how Frenchman are...except for you. I got cheated!

B: Nope. You're wrong. That's just how Americans THINK we are.

K: Well, you know what? That's how you're SUPPOSED to be, SO TAKE NOTES!

And with that, I got up and stormed into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Of course, this was all in fun - sort of. I really DID want him to take notes, though.

The next morning he put it into the envelope to send back to Netflix and I was like, "What are you doing?! Is that my movie?"

B: YOU'RE movie?

K: I love that movie. You better not be sending it back right now.

B: You're gonna' watch it AGAIN?

K: YEAH! Of course! I LOVE that movie. That French guy in it is amazing! I want to watch it again and again!

Funny thing...he kind of started acting like the guy in the film.

YAY! I win! I got my stereotypical, American-movie-version Frenchman after all!


mbreck said...

You truly are evil aren't you?

rossandconnierockon! said...

what is the name of the movie?! now I want to see it :)

Kristin Coppee said...

It's called "Broken English".

rossandconnierockon! said...

I have wanted to see this! I just added it to my Q at Blockbuster :) thanks!