7: 30 AM - The day started out with a very frustrating incident that I cannot talk about, but I got very upset, said a few choice words and then did something equivalent to what one of my toddlers would have done in this situation. A few minutes later my husband entered my office area, looked up and said...

"What happened here?" To which I replied, "I got mad". He raised an eyebrow and slowly backed out of the room without another word. (He's well trained).
9:00 AM - It was time to do some more typing and I wasn't feeling very motivated, so I grabbed a bag of M&Ms and opened them up. Now, the bag was brand new. I was the first to infiltrate it. However, when I poured a few out onto my desk, I encountered...

What would you do? It looks rather suspicious, however let me remind you it was a fresh bag of M&Ms and I was desperate.
Okay, if you're shouting "Don't do it!" at your computer screen right now, relax. I didn't do it. I'm not THAT desperate. Not yet, anyway. I tossed it. It was too scary.
11:00 AM - I continued on with my typing when suddenly I heard the piano playing rather loudly and some off-pitch singing accompanying it. I looked over and beheld...

Now, I know it's a duet when two people play, but what do you call it when THREE are going all at once? A trip-let?
Yeah, I'm not laughing either. Not funny.
5:00 PM - Anyway, it was nearly time for dinner and I wanted to cook some fresh ears of corn, so I started shucking away, that's when I heard the little voice...
SYLVIE: Mommy, wanna helper you.
MOM: Oh, honey, not tonight, okay? Mommy needs to do it quickly.
SYLVIE: MOMMY! Wanna helper you!
MOM: (Sigh) Okay. Here you go.
I handed her an ear of corn and she started shucking it.

MOM: What, honey?
CHLOE: Undecipherable noise.
MOM: You want to help too?
MOM: Okay, here you go.

MOM: No, Chloe! No, baby! You don't eat it!
(Quickly panning the surrounding areas for any witnesses to the crime. All clear.)
MOM: (Half-whispering) Here, Chloe. Give me that. Let's throw it in the pot quick. That can be daddy's.
9:00 PM - Everyone is in bed, except mom and dad.
12:00 PM - Mom and dad are finally relaxed enough after a hectic day to go to bed.
2:30 AM - LOUD THUNDER! HOUSE SHAKING! Mom shoots up in bed and gasps, realizes it's just a storm and falls back into bed.
2:35 AM - LOUD THUNDER! HOUSE SHAKING! Mom shoots up in bed and gasps, realizes it's still just a storm and falls back into bed.
2:40 AM - LOUD THUNDER! HOUSE SHAKING! Mom shoots up in bed and gasps, realizes it's STILL just a storm and is about to fall back into bed when she hears Sylvie screaming bloody murder!!!

3:00-4:30 AM - Mom makes makeshift bed by pushing love seat, ottoman and overstuffed chair together. As soon as bed is set up and kids are tucked in, storm is long gone. (SIGH) Kids were having too much fun to tear it all down right away, so mom put up with it for 1 1/2 hours!!!!! Where's my Mother Of The Year Award? NOW I'm feeling worthy of it!!!!