Sunday, June 28, 2009

I've Gone International

Gotta love Youtube. I've been able to reach a lot more people, most from other countries. I would say more than 50% of my subscribers and fans are from the UK and now joining the ranks are Bahrain and Panama City.

Recently a young girl from Bahrain wrote me and asked permission to make a music video for my song "Don't Walk Away". In her e-mail she wrote, "I'm sure you get this request all the time" (I don't. She's the first) and "I know you have millions of fans" (That's my fantasy, but I can only claim a very small fraction of that number). Anyway, I was completely flattered, of course, that this young girl was such a big fan and wanted to help promote me, so I granted her permission to use my song to make a video and this is what she came up with.

I think it's really sweet and she wrote me again asking me to please comment and rate it. So, to show my appreciation, I'm promoting her video. Please go watch it and leave her a nice comment if you can. She's just a young girl and I think this is all really cute. She's just helping me live the fantasy that I'm some big rock star from the US.

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