Sunday, November 23, 2008

When The PDA Gets Out Of Control

Just a few minutes ago my husband and I crossed paths in the hallway. He thought I was going to bed because I was in the room a few minutes getting ready for bed, but I told him I was planning on doing some work for a bit longer instead.

We held each other in an embrace in the dark hallway and kissed for a few seconds. Then he told me I needed to rest and take a break. I nodded.

HIM: Wanna' watch a movie?

I didn't respond. I just nuzzled my nose in his neck and kissed it.

HIM: We have those movies from Netflix we need to watch so I can send them back. Do you wanna' watch one with me?

ME: (A seductive look in my eye) I want something else.

HIM: (Laughing) I knew it.

All of the sudden we hear this voice in the dark saying, "Really guys? Right there?" It was John up in his upper bunk of his bed, looking down over us. We just happened to be standing right outside his bedroom door - a minor detail we overlooked. I just had to laugh. Poor guy. Sorry about that.


Koi said...

That's funny. I'm glad my kiddos are still to young to know what's going on.

Anonymous said...

YEP...parental PDA is puke worthy! That will NEVER!

Vonney said...

OMG I can't believe you just wrote that! LOL! Funny girl!

Michele Tyler said...

We hear "get a room" all the time. Funny thing is we are already in our room. Nowhere is safe. I think that makes it even more fun. Almost like were young lovebirds again. Woo hoo! YAY to making out and snuggling with our hubby!

Sharlet said...

very funny. Poor John.

Shanna said...

Too funny!!