Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Happy Tax Day!

So, here's a fun little tax day story for ya'. I tried to e-file my taxes and the IRS rejected it because they said that all three of my children have already been claimed as dependents by someone else.

All of 'em. And so I'm sitting here, scratching my head wondering if maybe Bertrand isn't the real father after all. I mean, I know John has a different father and obviously he's decided he should get to claim him, but my other two? What, did he claim them too?

To say I'm annoyed right now is a gross understatement. Last year the IRS wouldn't send us our check because they claimed I hadn't filed taxes for three consecutive years. I dug up the old returns and proved them wrong and then got to wait a few more months extra to get my check.

Thank you IRS. You're lovely. Just lovely. You make tax time extra special for me every year and now I feel like I need to give back. How can I give back to the IRS? Hmmmm......I'm working on that one.


Anonymous said...

LOL....So sorry...forgot to tell you...I claimed your kids this year....LOL!

Vonney said...

Your so funny! Believe it or not, but I really do love the IRS! Glad you finally got your check from a previous tax return! Sorry you had to mail your tax return this year! Maybe your children's SSNs were sold. That happens a lot, because people want the earned income tax credit and can't have it without a valid SSN. I would look into this myself.