Thursday, January 8, 2009

It's Not A Tumor

I'm feeling a little embarrassed right about now. Let me explain:

I have been feeling crummy for approximately 2 1/2 weeks now. It started out with extreme nausea and weird aches and pains. I decided I had the flu. I laid on my couch a couple of days moaning and groaning and not eating a thing because the thought or smell of food made me sick.

A week later, I was still nauseated. Now I was getting constipated. I had lost eight pounds, but my stomach was bloating out funny. My pelvic area got weird stabbing cramps in it occasionally and then it would just throb in certain areas. I decided this was not the flu and something was seriously wrong with me. I decided to wait a few more days and see what happened.

A few days later my chest felt heavy. It was hard to breathe. I had ZERO energy and I just wanted to sleep all day and all night. I decided I was run down from the holidays and it was taking its toll on my body. I also attributed this to high stress. I decided to get more sleep, eat better, and try to relax.

By two weeks of pain and suffering, I decided I could potentially be dying. It seems like everyone around me is getting cancer and it runs strong on both sides of my family. I got on the Internet and looked up pancreatic cancer. I don't know why. I guess starting with the deadliest, worst form of cancer seemed like a good place. That way I could work my way down and by the time I found MY form of cancer, it wouldn't seem so bad.

The pancreatic cancer website listed the symptoms of it and I had none.

Then off to the left of the screen a little side bar said, "Try Searching Ovarian Cancer".

I looked up ovarian cancer and read down its list of 8-10 symptoms. I had them all. My heart stopped a second. I swallowed hard and read on. It's the second deadliest cancer. There is no cure. It's hard to detect. Suddenly I felt weaker. My mind began to work over time. What would Bertrand do alone with all of the kids? How would they live without me? I wouldn't get to see my babies grow up. I wouldn't get to become a rock star or a writer. This was it. Whatever I'd accomplished up to this point - done. I was through. I started trying to come to terms with the idea that I could be dying. How long would I live - I wondered.

I began to tell a few close friends about my symptoms and my discovery and my fears. Every single one of them said, "Oh, it sounds like you're just pregnant. That's all."

"No", I explained. "That's impossible" and then I proceeded to explain why, which I will spare you the explanation because it's very personal and a bit embarrassing. But in my mind there was just absolutely NO WAY I could be pregnant. It wasn't scientifically or humanly possible. In my mind it defied nature.

Tuesday night I awoke abruptly from a deep sleep. The first thought that hit my mind was "I'm pregnant". But I still didn't want to believe it.

Long story short, I gave in and took a pregnancy test Wednesday morning at around 11:00 AM. It was a very strong positive.

So, I wasn't entirely incorrect - there is a mass growing inside my belly and sucking the life out of me. But it's not a tumor. It's a baby. YAY!

This pregnancy was completely unexpected and definitely a miracle. My only explanation is that God wanted this child to come to earth soon and he found a way to make it happen even though I am still completely dumbfounded as to how I could have gotten pregnant. Unlike my last pregnancy, I welcome this one. I'm excited and now that the nausea has passed, I feel fantastic! Just like I did when I was pregnant with my first child - a son. I have a very strong impression this is a boy. Either way, I'm ecstatic. This is definitely my last child. I wanted to wait one or two more years before I considered having my last baby, but I'm thinking this is probably a better scenario. I'm 33 1/2 already. I'm not getting any younger. Best get this done now before I get into the risky maternal age category. I always felt there was one more, he/she comes.


Logan & Lindy said...

Congrats Congrats Congrats! That is sooo exiting!!! I am so happy for you!!!

Blake & Melissa said...

WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!! Congrats, Kristin and Bertrand!!!

Carly said...
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Carly said...

I am very excited for you. Really. But if this is some scam to get out of publishing your story I'm going to be very upset!

Oh, and congratulations on the whole not having a tumor deal. I would be excited about that, too! :-)

Lois Lane said...

I think there should be a rule that when you delete a comment, you have to e-mail either Brooke or I so we know what the comment was. :)

Rhiannon said...

Congrats Kristen, I think it is great. I don't think the feeling bad is but the baby part.

Vonney said...

I think it happened around November 23! LOL! In case you forgot just read your own post "When the PDA gets out of control." You are funny thinking it's cancer and all! :D

Vonney said...
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Mark and Gretchen said...

So glad you don't have a tumor....Congrats and good luck with it all...especially the part where Chloe takes her diaper off and surprises you.
Looking forward to meeting grand number 12!

Angela said...

Holy Cow!!!!

I totally would have thought I had a tumor too!

I'm amazed. I couldn't handle having 2 children...let alone 4. You're very brave. If it's a boy....force Bertrand to potty train this may not remember this, but potty training boys is the worst!

Jane Says said...

well, that's quite the way to bring in the new year! brava! or i should say a french félicitations!

Jana said...

LOL, the blog story is just as good as when you told me about it...well, maybe it was funnier when i heard it from you directly. Not that it's funny that you thought you had a tumor...well, it kind of is.