Now, this is a Chester, see, and a Chester is basically any strange man walking along on his own. Now, he can be totally minding his own business, but if he is a man and he's alone....he's a Chester. And Chesters are not good for little children because basically they want to kidnap them and kill them.
Where did she learn such things?
Umm....I don't have time for questions right now. Just listen to the story.
Now, other objects that represent a Chester include:

And also white, windowless vans.
So, basically what's happening in this picture right now is this guy is basically realizing that it's not a good thing to be a Chester because well....

This little guy in the corner is jumping on his head and...
This person is throwing rocks at his head and then, as if that wasn't punishment enough...
THIS little lady is actually swinging ANOTHER Chester around and beating the first Chester with it. It's insane....but, according to Sylvie-Faye, very necessary.
This little guy in the corner is jumping on his head and...
"So, how did this all end up as Sylvie's obsession?" you ask. "And why does she think men driving white vans and ice cream trucks and walking along on their own, minding their own business are called Chester and want to kill her?"
It's simple - I had to find a way to stop her from sneaking out of the house and trying to be "a big girl" - taking off on her own to explore the world. There are real dangers out there and perhaps I was a little dramatic. Perhaps singling out certain vehicles and all males, in general, was unfair, BUT, she never leaves my side. She no longer tries to leave the house.
OK and also she can't sleep at night and we had to hang a dream catcher above her bed, which we told her scares Chesters away, and also she screams in horror when she sees ice cream trucks, white vans and men,'s better this way, right?
I honestly didn't mean to petrify my poor little lady. I had no idea she was gonna' take the story so seriously. Geez!
It's simple - I had to find a way to stop her from sneaking out of the house and trying to be "a big girl" - taking off on her own to explore the world. There are real dangers out there and perhaps I was a little dramatic. Perhaps singling out certain vehicles and all males, in general, was unfair, BUT, she never leaves my side. She no longer tries to leave the house.
OK and also she can't sleep at night and we had to hang a dream catcher above her bed, which we told her scares Chesters away, and also she screams in horror when she sees ice cream trucks, white vans and men,'s better this way, right?
I honestly didn't mean to petrify my poor little lady. I had no idea she was gonna' take the story so seriously. Geez!
And to think the people I work with cannot understand why I refuse to eat ice cream from the Ice Cream Truck. Duh!!
(Now if I could just remember what movie has a drug dealer that works out of an ice cream truck, so I can tell them about it.)
Way to scare the dickens out of your little girl. :D
I hate windowless vans & Lincoln despises ice cream trucks. And I do have to say that when I hear the word "Chester" I laugh uncontrollably. Funny picture!!!
Hey I am with you. There is a creepy windowless white van that always visits the neighbors. First time I saw it I thought, Yuck perfect kidnapper van. So there you go.
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