Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tagged Again!

As if my last tag response wasn't scary enough, I've been tagged again. This time Koe wants to know 7 random and weird facts about me. In my opinion, all facts about me are random and weird, but here goes - this is probably the easiest tag I've ever had....or not. I have to tag 7 people? I don't know that many people. AAAHHH!! Okay, I'll try.

Here's the rules:

Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
Post the rules on your blog.
Post 7 random or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
Tag 7 people and link to them.
Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.

Seven Random or Weird Facts About Me:

1. I don't clean my house. Not ever. My husband does.

2. I believe in aliens, but not dinosaurs, which is funny because supposedly there is solid proof of dinosaurs, but no real solid proof of aliens. I just don't believe the museum exhibits and scientific studies. I don't know why.

3. I met my husband for the first time on my wedding day. The marriage was arranged. By me and him. lol.

4. I have a hard time looking at people when they talk to me. I have been doing medical transcription for ten years and I zone out while I type, so I've trained my eyes to not focus on anything, so now when I have to, it takes hard work and concentration. I notice this problem the most when people are talking to me and I have to look at them. It's very difficult. My eyes wanna cross and stare off into space.

5. Like my friend who tagged me, I also like to pick my kids' noses, particularly my 1-year-old, Chloe's. She has the crusties in the morning and I like to dig them out. It's therapeutic.

6. I write music as a hobby, which I'm trying to make into a living, but I can only get inspired to write when I'm really tired, hot and sweaty and my heart is pounding really fast. I kind of go into this weird, hallucinogenic state and the words and music just come to me. It's the ONLY way I can write. So, I have to either go work out hard at the gym or take a hot bath - so hot that it kind of burns me, and I sit in it and sweat and start to lose my mind.

7. My family nicknamed me Frass, which somebody looked up one time years ago and found out that frass is actually the scientific term for caterpillar poop. Coincidence? I'll never know.

Ok, now I tag:

*Disco Boy


Worthen World said...

I feel like I have known you forever. I knew 5/7 facts about you. I am so glad that we are friends!!!

Koi said...

Crusty nose boogers Therapeutic? Not quite, but enjoyable nonetheless.

And I'm still sore form Wednesday. I won't be walking to Oliver's school again for a while.

Kachelle said...

hey baby! you're looking hot today!!(that was lousy my attempt at harassing you,hehe)

Kachelle said...

scary blog story #3: some random guy started calling my cousin and asking her if her husband is home cus he wants to come over and do dirty stuff to her. she's kinda freaked out cus he seems to know all this info about her and her husband. they have no idea who he is and the police won't do anything about it. she thinks he might have found her through her blog. scary!

Kristin Coppee said...

Oh my gosh. Ok. Scary. But do you really think that's because of her blog? It could be something else. I've heard of people getting some rude comments on their blogs from anonymous people, but they just put something on there that allows them to "approve" the message before it's posted. I've never heard of anything like your "Scary Blog Story #3". I think you made it up just to scare me.

Vonney said...

Kristine, I am sorry I have never replied to your e-mail you sent me back in January! It made me laugh so hard! My little sister showed me your blog and I love reading it. Your post make me laugh. You really are a funny girl! I started my own blog so you will have to check it out: YPoulsenFamily.blogspot.com. Your cousin, Yvonne Poulsen

My family Begins said...

I didn't know darker hair makes women look younger...guess my hair is staying brown.

Worthen World said...

I finally took your tag!!!

Vonney said...

Can I just say that the minute I start blogging, you stop! You need to update your blog! What's going on with your family?