Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Betcha' Didn't Know!

You only THINK you know how to spell the word "mom". But you're wrong. See, we were all taught in school that the word "mom" has one "O" in it, but we've been lied to and I'm reminded of this on a daily basis.

Every time that dang TV shows a toy commercial or anything directed toward children, for that matter, which is 90% of what daytime television is directed towards, this is what I hear:

SYLVIE: Mom, can I get that toy on the TV for my birthday?

ME: (Glancing quickly in direction of TV) Sure.

CHLOE: Mom, I want that too. Can I get it for my birthday?

ME: Uh huh.

SYLVIE: But mom, she already had a birthday. It's MY turn!

CHLOE: Sylvie, I can have it for my birthday too!

SYLVIE: No, you can't!

CHLOE: Yes, I can!

SYLVIE: Mom said it's my turn.

CHLOE: No she didn't Sylvie.


CHLOE: Well, I'm having that toy too!






See what I mean? There's definitely more than one "O" in there. (SIGH) Dang TV! I'm ready to ban it from my home. I thought my friend was crazy when she told me they don't get TV channels in their home (on purpose). Turns out I'M the crazy one! I allow myself to be tortured by this crap on a daily basis! Just call me a masochist.


Jordan + Amber + Camryn + Brighton said...

ha ha ha Mooom! That is so funny & so true!
I'm already starting to hear, "mommyyyy!"
She's not even 2!

Kristin Coppee said...

Mm hm. Yet another version of mom we were lied to about. Mommy definitely has more than one "y" in it.

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I just came across your blog interview from

was it legit?! I mean, the interviewer!? They contacted me to interview me, so I just wanted to find out!! LOL!!

Cute family you got!

Kristin Coppee said...

Hey, I don't really know what bloginterviewer is. It seems like it's a forum to get your blog out there and get it more notice. I filled out the interview myself. I wasn't actually interviewed by a person. I was just invited to fill one out, but anyone can get on the website and do it. It looks like as of today, 04/01/10, they're giving away $1000 to the blog that gets the most votes, so you basically have to promote yourself and get lots of people to vote for you. I'm not into that, but I did the interview just to get exposure. I'm not doing this for the money. I'm doing it for the laughs.